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Dental Crowns and Bridges

Kildeer, Illinois

A healthy, confident smile goes a long way in making positive impressions. If you have a damaged or missing tooth, help is here. Studio Smiles is pleased to offer a range of restorative dentistry options, including dental crowns and bridges, using the latest technology and techniques. Our custom restorations will enhance your oral health and have you back in a seamless smile!

What Are Dental Crowns?

Dental crowns, also known as caps, are custom restorations that encase the portions of teeth visible above the gum line. They are designed to strengthen and protect weak or damaged teeth, restoring your smile’s health and function. At Studio Smiles, we offer the best available crown materials, including e-max and zirconia, to deliver beautifully natural results.

Dental Crowns and Bridges in Kildeer, IL

Why Would You Require a Dental Crown?

Here are some of the reasons you may require a dental crown:

  • To repair a weak, chipped, cracked, or otherwise damaged tooth, restoring its health, strength, and function.
  • To restore a tooth with deep decay or one with a large filling.
  • To cover and protect a tooth after root canal therapy, preventing future fracture or breakage.
  • To replace a missing tooth by covering a dental implant or supporting a dental bridge.
  • To improve the color, length, size, or overall appearance of not-so-perfect teeth.

What Are Dental Bridges?

Dental bridges are designed to replace one or more neighboring teeth, restoring your complete smile. They are typically made of replacement teeth known as pontics attached to crowns placed on existing teeth on either side of the gap. We create dental bridges from the same quality materials as dental crowns to deliver seamless smiles. 

What Are the Benefits of Dental Bridges?

Replacing missing teeth with dental bridges offers numerous benefits, including the following:

  • They fill gaps in your smile, enhancing your appearance and confidence.
  • They restore your ability to bite and chew, allowing you to enjoy many more of your favorite foods.
  • They are incredibly stable, preventing slurring and enhancing your speech.
  • They prevent the adjacent teeth from shifting and redistribute the forces of your bite, lowering the risk of crooked teeth, tooth decay, gum disease, uneven tooth wear, and TMJ pain.
  • They are durable, lasting many years with proper care.

What Is the Dental Crown or Bridge Procedure?

The crown or bridge procedure typically takes two appointments to complete. We start by numbing the area and preparing your damaged tooth or the teeth adjacent to the gap by reshaping them to accommodate your new dental crown or bridge. Next, we use our intraoral scanner, instead of traditional putty, to capture 3D scans of your teeth. Our partner dental lab uses 3D models of your teeth to create your new crown or teeth with precision. Meanwhile, we will place a temporary crown or bridge to protect your prepared teeth.

During a follow-up visit, we will evaluate your new crown or bridge for a perfect match and fit, then cement them in place. The last step is making any adjustments needed for optimal comfort and function. Your new crown or bridge will look just like your natural teeth!

Dental Crowns and Bridges Near Me in Kildeer, IL

If you’re looking for solutions to restore damaged or missing teeth, visit Studio Smiles today. Our skilled and experienced team is committed to using the latest technology and best available materials to create quality, durable restorations for long-term healthy smiles. Expect excellence and elevated dental care every step of the way.

Are you ready to get started? Call our Kildeer office at 847-796-0789 to schedule an appointment or book one online today. We look forward to caring for your smile!

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